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Click one of the IDAHO cities to find a beauty or barber school in IDAHO. Click the city then send a request to a listed school to find out more information. When the addmissions representative contacts you, ask about the school tuition ♦ Are all costs included in the tuition? ♦ What curriculum do you teach? ♦ What grade average do I need to maintain to graduate? ♦ Do you have an attendance policy? ♦ How long does it take to complete your course? ♦ Do you have a website? ♦ How large are the classes? ♦ Are there any up-front fees I need to know about? ♦ Can you mail me information on your school before I take a tour? ♦ Is there financial aid available? ♦ Is there an entrance exam? ♦ What can you tell me about the instructors? ♦ When was the college established? ♦ Do you have part time and evening classes? ♦
City: Burley, ID
City: Garden City, ID
City: Idaho Falls, ID
City: Jerome, ID
City: Lewiston, ID
City: Moscow, ID
City: Pocatello, ID
City: Twin Falls, ID
You can find out many things over the telephone about a college. But don't make up your mind until you have toured 2 or 3 colleges that you have narrowed your choices down to. A simple 10 to 20 minute visit will give you knowledge a telephone conversation could never offer. Such as: is the college in a good location (easy access, crime rate, etc). Do the students there look busy - content - professional - ethnically diverse? Is there a display of the books you'll be studying, and equipment you'll be using? How old or new is the facility and equipment? Is the clinic floor busy with customers? As you can see, this list could go on and on. The visual information you will acquire on a tour is incredibly valuable. A tour could change your mind.
But, what if you have taken a tour of 3 beauty schools and still can’t make up your mind? Perhaps one school is decorated beautifully, one is a closer drive, and one school’s recruiter was the most efficient and even entertaining in answering your probing questions. At this point, you need some outside recommendations. You need to call approximately 10 local salons and/or spas in the area and ask the manager there some of the following questions:
✂Which local cosmetology schools do they recommend attending?
✂Which local beauty schools do they prefer to hire from?
✂Where did the manager attend school? Do they feel they received sufficient training there?
✂If they recommend all three schools, be sure to ask all of the managers if they had to single one out as the best choice – which one would it be?
✂And, of course – ask “Why?” every time they give you a recommendation.
It is easy to be influenced by the fact that you can save money on gas traveling to a school that is closer – but can you afford not to attend the school that is most likely to have the HIGHEST respect among the salon/spa community? And, even though a school has the latest decorations and newest building - they may not have the best instructors or curriculum. Also, just because you finally meet a beauty school recruiter who happily answers all your questions, isn’t at all pushy or catty, and lets you know the total fee up front – that doesn’t mean the rest of the staff there is just like her/him. You liked all three. They all had something good to offer. Now, make your final choice by obtaining the advice from professionals who will be ready to HIRE you if you choose the best beauty school to attend.