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Click one of the IOWA cities to find a beauty or barber school in IOWA. Click the city then send a request to a listed school to find out more information. When the addmissions representative contacts you, ask about the school tuition ♦ Are all costs included in the tuition? ♦ What curriculum do you teach? ♦ What grade average do I need to maintain to graduate? ♦ Do you have an attendance policy? ♦ How long does it take to complete your course? ♦ Do you have a website? ♦ How large are the classes? ♦ Are there any up-front fees I need to know about? ♦ Can you mail me information on your school before I take a tour? ♦ Is there financial aid available? ♦ Is there an entrance exam? ♦ What can you tell me about the instructors? ♦ When was the college established? ♦ Do you have part time and evening classes? ♦
City: Ames, IA
City: Ankeny, IA
City: Calmar, IA
City: Cedar Rapids, IA
City: Davenport, IA
City: Des Moines, IA
City: Dubuque, IA
City: LeMars, IA
City: Marshalltown, IA
City: Mason City, IA
City: Ottumwa, IA
City: Sioux City, IA
City: Urbandale, IA
City: Waterloo, IA
A personal skill all Beauty School graduates need to develop, is the art of reading another’s body language. How can you tell if a client is happy with you if they don’t flat out say so? Sure, you may receive a tip from them the first time you provide a service... but are they going to come back - again and again? Learn to interpret body language, and you will have a very good idea. If you do not understand how to use your own body language, and interpret other’s body language – you may be perpetually harming your own business activities in the salon and spa.
Those who are successful, whether knowingly or by accident, are most certainly body language connoisseurs. There are numerous books on body language, and endless web pages to scroll through. My favorite website has a link that will lead you through about 70 pages of information on body language. The link is on www.changingminds.org.
www.changingminds.org educates us that body language is a vital part of communication which can make up 50 percent or more of what we communicate. Body language comes in clusters of signals and postures, depending on the internal emotions and mental state of the persons communicating. Recognizing a whole cluster is incredibly more reliable than trying to interpret individual elements of one’s body language. Below are examples of different types of body language you can learn to interpret by understanding the cluster of signals and postures of your clientele.
☻ Aggressive body language
☻ Attentive body language
☻ Bored body language
☻ Deceptive body language
☻ Defensive body language
☻ Dominant body language
☻ Evaluating body language
☻ Power body language
☻ Relaxed body language
☻ Submissive body language
You can send signals with individual parts of the body as well as in concert. The following is a list of different parts of the body which communicate messages - many times unwittingly: Face, Cheek, Chin, Mouth, Lips, Teeth, Tongue, Nose, Eyes, Eyebrow, Forehead, Hair, Elbow, Hand, Finger, Neck, Shoulder, Chest, Back, Belly, Bottom, Hips, Legs, Thigh, Knee, and Foot.
Here are some foot body language examples. Tapping the foot can be a sign of impatience as the person gets into a kind of tense repetitive state. The foot becomes like a clock's pendulum, marking and moving on time.
The direction a person’s feet are pointing is generally where they would prefer to be. If an attractive member of the opposite sex is in the vicinity, watch where the feet point. If there is an interesting conversation – do the feet point toward the conversationalists (then they like the conversation) or away (they really want to run in the opposite direction!).