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Click one of the WEST VIRGINIA cities to find a beauty or barber school in WEST VIRGINIA. Click the city then send a request to a listed school to find out more information. When the addmissions representative contacts you, ask about the school tuition ♦ Are all costs included in the tuition? ♦ What curriculum do you teach? ♦ What grade average do I need to maintain to graduate? ♦ Do you have an attendance policy? ♦ How long does it take to complete your course? ♦ Do you have a website? ♦ How large are the classes? ♦ Are there any up-front fees I need to know about? ♦ Can you mail me information on your school before I take a tour? ♦ Is there financial aid available? ♦ Is there an entrance exam? ♦ What can you tell me about the instructors? ♦ When was the college established? ♦ Do you have part time and evening classes? ♦
City: Beckley, WV
City: Clarksburg, WV
City: Huntington, WV
City: Lewisburg, WV
City: Parkersburg, WV
City: Wheeling, WV
City: White Hall, WV
One of the benefits of being in the cosmetology industry – a career of fashion, glamour and beauty - is that you are in charge of your own success. Yes, you may work in a salon, you might answer to an owner or a supervisor and deal with other beauticians, estheticians, and hairstylists - but the truth is, YOU are in control of your own success.
Essentially you are really an entrepreneur, and with that there is the responsibility of taking ownership of your own successes and failures. Need help? Ask for guidance from those who are all ready successful in the industry. Also, read Industry magazines, research the Internet and use all these tools to help you start marketing yourself. The power is in your hands to make your business successful.
Network with everyone around you: clients, co-workers, educators, managers, family, clubs, people in line with you at the grocery store! Be sure to vary your own look on a regular basis. This will encourage your clients to try new, innovative styles. You are your own walking billboard, and your clients are your walking AND talking billboards. There is no better advertisement than word-of-mouth; now add the visual effect of gorgeous hairstyles to word-of-mouth recommendations and that places your client/billboard at the top of the world for all to see and hear!
Remember technology can also help you spread the word about your career. Do not ignore the power of Facebook, Twitter and other networking sites.
The last word of advice on this article is to get started building your business WHILE YOU ARE STILL IN BEAUTY SCHOOL. Build your clientele - in beauty school. Collect all the innovative business ideas you can from likeminded students around you. Pay CLOSE attention to your instructors, and especially the school owners (who are obviously successful - or you wouldn't be there). So, here's to you aspiring entrepreneur! Seize the day.
Study for the: WEST VIRGINIA Motorcycle Permit Pracitce Test