State Board Exam Practice Sites: ✂ Cosmetologist ✂ Barber ✂ Esthetician ✂ Manicurist ✂ Natural Hair Culturist ✂
Click a state above to find a beauty or barber school in your area of the United States of America. Find a city and send a request to a listed school for more information. When an addmissions representative calls, texts or emails you, ask them some of the following questions: Are all educational costs included in the tuition? ✔ Are there any hidden up-front fees? ✔ Do you have a website I can browse? ✔ Do you have part-time or evening classes? ✔ When was this college established? ✔ Does your school have an entrance exam? ✔ What is your attendance policy? ✔ Does this school participate in financial aid such as federal grants and loans? ✔ How long does it take to finish your course? ✔ Which curriculum do you teach? ✔ What grade average will I need for a certificate from your school? ✔ Can you mail me information on your school before I take a tour? ✔ How long have your instructors worked at this school or in the industry? ✔ How large are the classes?
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